Celebrity Photos of DOOM!

I ran across these two startling images of two sorta gay celebs in the wonder that is cyberspace and decided immediately I had to share :
First upp is a blast from teh past- as in Junior High, and well this is the really shitty thing about fame. you can change  everything about yourself. Become the person you want to be. and some asstwat out there whom  you don't even remember (or you totally still have from bullying you  in dodge ball grade 6) can sell old yearbook photos of you for a quick buck.
I give you :

Ryan Seacrest 

The others shitty thing about fame is when you have bad parents and your girlfriend has to dump your ass because , well you are sorta a way-too-skinny sociopath coked up former actress people can take pics like this of you when you aren't really looking your best. 

Get Well LiLoh.

Lindsay Lohan  

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